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WashingtonJr. High School

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A Special Message from Dr. Lawrence

Superintendent Reginald Lawrence

As the year 2020 continues to move forward, I would be remised if I didn’t take this opportunity to send my sympathy and prayers of peace to the family of Mr. George Floyd, and the countless others that have lost their lives to racism and injustice. I also extend the same sentiments to those that have lost their lives as a part of the increased protests taking place across the United States and beyond. It is times like this that break the bonds of a close community and replace that closeness with anger, outrage, and in some cases, extreme behaviors leading to the destruction of the places we live. It is my belief that the protestors, many whom exhibit peaceful actions, intend to share their expectations of being heard within our community. To focus our attention more on the disruptors and damage taking place rather than addressing systemic concerns around racism and injustice means that we have continued to miss the point.

In Rock Island-Milan School District 41, we have spent the past 4 years working to improve our district awareness in becoming more culturally competent, understanding, respectful, and understanding of others that may be of a different ethnicity. While we have a ways to go, let this serve as an awakening call to our community and our school district to embrace our diversity. In RIMSD41, we will continue our work in weaving cultural competence throughout every aspect of our school day. Let us all begin to reflect more on our beliefs, our rhetoric, and more importantly our actions moving forward. Use this as the time to renew our quest for healing and justice for our community and throughout our country.

Now is the time for meeting the social and emotional needs of our students, our families, and our community. I join the nation in calling for peace, healing, and an end to injustice for all.



Reginald L. Lawrence II
