Principal's Message
Welcome Warriors!
At Washington Junior High School our mission is to prepare students to be successful in high school and in life. Washington serves approximately 500 7th and 8th-grade students within the Rock Island community. We offer a diverse curriculum to support our students' needs. Washington is very proud to be an AVID elective school that helps to prepare students for college and careers beyond high school. Students also have the opportunity to be a part of Art, Music, Project Lead The Way, and Computers as elective options.
WJHS follows the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model to help students become responsible, respectful, and ready for life. Our students also have opportunities to join various extracurricular activities such as Lights on For Learning Clubs and sporting events.
Our priorities at Washington are aligned with those of the Rock Island Milan District 41 goals and strategic plan. We look forward to partnering with you to be champions for your students.
-Tonya Smith, Principal