School Info & Schedule

About Washington


Washington is located at 3300 18th Avenue, Rock Island

Washington Junior High School is located on 18th Avenue, a main thoroughfare in Rock Island. The surrounding area is a strong mixture of residential, business, office, and light industrial uses.

Daily Schedule
Start: 8:10 a.m.
Dismissal: 2:39 p.m.

Half Day Dismissal: 11:30 a.m.


The Rock Island-Milan School District operates on a modified year-round calendar.  School starts in early August, and students have 2-week breaks in the fall, winter, and spring.


According to the Illinois School Report Card, there were 498 students in 2019. The average class size is 24.


Beginning and Ending Grades

This school serves students in seventh and eighth grades.

Number of Classes At Each Grade Level

Each student takes five core subjects and two electives. Students attend seven academic periods per day plus an advisory session.

Breakfast and Lunch Programs

Washington offers a breakfast program starting at 7:45 a.m. each day.  Both hot breakfast and hot lunch are free to all students.

 Parent Involvement and Opportunities

Washington has an active PTA.  Meetings are held monthly.  Parents are also encouraged to become involved in various school wide teams, including Building Leadership Team, PBIS and AVID.

 PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support)

Washington Jr. High is a PBIS school. The discipline plan focuses on positive intervention and is based on three school policies: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be There, Be Ready.

 Safety, Parking, Crossing Guards

All students exit at dismissal from the north doors (facing 18th Avenue). Parking is available for student pick up on 33rd and 34th Streets.

Core Academics

Rock Island-Milan School District offers a diverse academic program including curricular areas of: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, and the Arts. Instruction is based on the New Illinois Learning Standards and incorporates effective, research-based instructional strategies. Grading and student assessment practices are constructed to provide optimal feedback on student academic progress.


Special Programs for Advanced Students

Rock Island-Milan School District believes that students with potential for outstanding accomplishments require special provisions to meet their educational needs. The advanced program identifies individuals through teacher referral, cognitive ability, and achievement testing and establishes a challenging academic program for those identified students.  Advanced courses are offered in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Library and Technology Services

Washington has a well-appointed and well-stocked library to stimulate teenage interests and to provide needed research to enhance the learning process. The school maintains one computer lab, a Project Lead the Way lab and classroom access to Chromebooks. Students may choose to enroll in a Computer elective and two Project Lead the Way (pre-engineering) electives.

Academic Programs Offered

  • Washington Jr. High offers additional reading and math support through the Success Math and Success ELA classes.
  • Students with interest in music may opt for Chorus, Band or Orchestra.
  • Washington offers the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) elective to both 7th and 8th grade students in the academic middle of their classes.
  • Students with interest in engineering have opportunities to take PLTW (Project Lead the Way) electives.

WJHS Attendance


Attending school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as students grow older and

more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day. It’s important that all parents understand why attendance is important for success in school and in life.


Nationally, more than 14 percent of our students are chronically absent due to excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. A student is chronically absent if he or she has missed 10% (18 days) of the school year whether the absence is unexcused or excused.


Too many WJHS students are chronically absent. Chronically absent students miss 18 or more days of school each year. At WJHS our Attendance Plan is the first line of defense in the fight to reduce chronic absenteeism and truancy. Schools are required to take accurate attendance, identify chronically absent students, and provide interventions designed to improve the attendance of these identified students.


At WJHS we have an administrator (principal/assistant principal) who oversees

attendance protocol in addition to the clerical, student support, and other staff who work together to implement our attendance policy and procedures.