Winter Sport Pictures December 4 Boys Basketball and Cheerleading will have their pictures taken on Monday, December 4 at 3 PM in the Big Gym.
WJHS Drama Club Presents "Cooking Can Be A Murder" December 1 and 2 WJHS Drama Club will present "Cooking Can Be A Murder" December 1 and 2 beginning at 6:30. Admission is free.
Rock Island High School Course Description Night for the 2018-2019 School Year November 30 RIHS Course Description Night is for 8th - 11th Grade Parents and Students
WJHS Sport Pictures December 4 Sport pictures for boys basketball, wrestling and cheerleading will be taken in the big gym beginning at 3 PM on Monday, December 4.
Boys Basketball Game Tuesday, November 14 Has Been Cancelled Jordan does not have enough players for that game. The school is working on rescheduling.
WJHS Family Workshop Come and learn about key ways in which your home environment can foster your student's organizational skills. You will learn ways that you can support your child at home.