RIHS Course & Activities Showcase 2023 The evening will feature a review of available courses and other opportunities at Rock Island High School.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Free After School Filmmaking at Rocky RIMSD#41 students have an opportunity to participate in a filmmaking program for free!
RIMSD#41 Parent of the Month for October The district's F.A.C.E team selects a parent/guardian each month that goes above and beyond!
WJHS Students Showcase AVID Students and parents had the opportunity to get a first-hand look at what AVID is all about!
Fall Dance 2023! It's a selfie party! WJHS is having a fall dance for the students, drinks and snack donations are greatly appreciated and can be brought into the main office at any time!
Internet/Personal Safety Event RIMSD#41 is teaming up with Bethany for Children and Families to host an event about internet safety.